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Cake Decorating Background
It started with mud-pies in the back yard...

Cooking careers in general - cake decorating in particular - start in varied ways. Some are privileged to attend the finest in cake decorating academic facilities. Others' passions originate in comfy kitchens of relatives past. Deb Cannon's passion literally began in my own back yard.

I began my culinary cultivation back in my own childhood home. I used to make mud pies in the back yard as a little girl. Our light-colored sand was the perfect sugar-substitute for the creations molded by my own delicate - yet extremely dirty - soft-skinned young hands. I can remember using a somewhat weathered plastic measuring cup that my mom gave me to help ensure each and every mud-pie was perfectly sweetened.

Those cherished memories did, eventually, lead to more professional cake decorating lessons. Before feeling comfortable with providing palette-pleasing delights to others, I created hundreds of cakes for family, friends and charitable events. My sincerest thanks to all those who bore with me while I honed my skills and perfected my technique. There are more instances than I care to remember wherein those dear friends and family encouraged me more than I probably deserved.

Bottom-line is that it's finally paid-off. I'm now able to call upon all that experimentation to give you and your guests an experience which will not soon be forgotten. Follow this link for a unique look into my cake decorating flavors and fillings.

Northern Delights' cake decorating background and history began with mud pies in the back yard.
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Northern Delights: Wedding and Specialty Cakes / 4417 Trillium Ridge Road / Central Lake / Michigan / 49622 / (231) 599.3400 / northerndelights222@gmail.com
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